Subject: SR-NCSCC-2021-8081
From: Tiernan Tinnelly

Apr. 09, 2021

For the attention of the Securities and Exchange Commission

I am 100% in favour of the approval of the regulation above and give my full and unadulterated support. I plead that the SEC will look at this in a positive manner to justify and procure a more fair and free market through the penalisation and liability of the unfair market players. These person(s) who exploit and cheat the system for enhanced personal gain at the expense of others is unlawful and there needs to be measure put in place to reprimand these culprits. Whilst I believe there should be more dire punishments set in place for these “unrulies”. The approval of this regulation will be a sure step in the right direction.

Yours Truly,
Future generation of this world