Subject: NCSS-2021-801
From: Blyss Harwell

Apr. 09, 2021


Thank you for allowing me to have a vote and a voice being that I am only a small town mom and wife, investing in my family's future. I am in Full Support of the 801. 

I have done well with the few stocks I have and buying pieces of companies that I love. The United States makes this possible for small families to believe in the government and economy and take what we work hard for and put it back in. Risk is evident, of course ,but big companies should be held to the same standards as individuals and be held accountable for cheating the fragile system and making volatile market conditions. 

While I am in Full Support of the SR-NCSS-2021-801, I do believe much more should be in place to make the market fair and favorable to all who participate and for those who abuse it, they should be held accountable. 

Anonymous Wife and Mother