Subject: SR NSCC 2021-801
From: Nicole Nguyen

Apr. 09, 2021

To whom it may concern,

I am writing this email as an AMC shareholder along with my entire family. I would like to voice that I strongly advocate for the approval of the NSCC-2021-801 rule. I have been spending numerous hours researching and reading multiple platforms with regards to the lack of trust and faith in our financial system. There are lots of discussions about market manipulation, naked shorting and many more behind the scenes tradings controlling the stock prices making it very unfair for us retail investors. For example, AMC’s stocks keeps going down regardless of any positive news updates while other theatre companies are trading much higher although they are a much smaller company. Also we have been so much datas released on various channels and platforms clearly showing proof that the numbers do not add up and this is due to market manipulation.

I hope that this rule is passed ASAP to show market transparency.

Thank you for your time.

Nicole Nguyễn