Subject: "SR-NSCC-2021-801"
From: Steve Lock

Apr. 09, 2021

I am in favor of this rule and all other rules that will compliment this action. I expect this rule to follow through as soon as possible not only for protection, oversight, and what's right but to also keep the faith in the investment system for the American people. We use our hard earned money to invest what we believe in the legal way in which the HF should be held to those same standards "LEGAL WAY".  Allowing no oversight, manipulation, illegal activities, unseen back door activities, and not forced to provide naked shorts to include trading shares multiple times to hurt markets is UNBELIEVABLE. This should not have  come this far for the American people, coming together to find and produce the DD of exposing these illegal activities to show this was wrong. This is the SEC and DTCC jobs to monitor this market for fairness. To allow this to go on so long with small fines issued out for continued false reportings and no consequences or imprisonment, makes the American people feel that there may be some "behind the scenes" and some "inside dealings" to continue to allow these manipulations. 
American people just wants "Fairness" and "Equality". We may not have the same capital and funds as these big institutions and corporations, but if we all stand together and hold strong hold, we will compete no matter what. No more 2008 crisis needs to happen.
Please enforce these rules, as it should have been put in place many months, even years, ago.
Thank you for your time.