Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Justin Lawson

Apr. 09, 2021

Good morning,

As someone whose main observations of the economy and American financial system began following graduation with a bachelors in education in 2008, I support the filing of this bill.

The effects of short selling have negative impacted every economic sector all the way to the individual investor. I have mostly stayed away from retail trading due to this lack of confidence in the free market. Thus, I have missed countless opportunities to increase wealth in ways the wealthy elite have been able to. Short selling creates an uneven and unfair playing ground where those with the most to gain force those gains from those with little to lose.

Be the invisible hand millions depend on for services like education, emergency services, and safety from threats. I would like to see this rule passed and implemented immediately, as well as amended to increase penalties for those in violation.

This law is a step in preserving the union and success of the next generations of Americans. I fear a failure to pass this law will result in a global loss of confidence in the American market amongst average humans, and may be the final nail in the coffin of America as the Superpower. How can we compete with the image of totalitarianism when we are as much totalitarian as hypocritical?

Thank you for your time and I hope you find this opinion helpful.

A high school algebra teacher,

Justin Lawson