Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Matt Milanese

Apr. 09, 2021

To whom it may concern,

I am an average American retail “dumb money” investor. Recent events in the market have cost me a disproportionate loss relative to how quickly I can replenish my portfolio from my job, which lead me into trying to figure out why.

Due to the incredible work by my fellow “dumb money” investors, the outright criminal behavior of hedge funds and financial institutions involved has been exposed and made public. This should be more than just independent investigations. This should be on every tv in the country.

This is the answer to the question: “why is life such a miserable and unfair thing? Why is it my fate to work myself unto death only to have enough time and money to come to work tomorrow?”

Because the wealth of the American people is being extracted upwards, concentrated into the hands of the few that the many may suffer.

Well if you’ve seen Star Trek you’ll know that THAT AINT COOL.

So I say now that the 801 is not something I want to see passed to help me recover my losses and possibly be able to retire at some point in life, but 801 is something that the future of our people need to protect them from the overwhelming greed of a handful of fiends at the top.

Do the right thing, SEC.