Subject: SR-NSCC-2021-8015
From: Joshua Hoyt

Apr. 09, 2021

I strongly believe that the SEC needs to step up its enforcement activity, and this new rule is a step in the right direction. Something must be done to keep the power of irresponsible institutional-investors from eroding public confidence in the American financial system.  

If we allow these large financial institutions to recklessly crash the market yet again, we will further undermine international and domestic confidence in our financial system. 

While some might argue that more oversight leads to a less efficient market and handicaps the potential of our financial institutions, the risks associated with a volatile, heedless market pose an existential threat to the health of the world economy. Let us not lose sight of the fact that, in the end, the market is meant to add real value and support sustained, long-term growth.  

Show that the SEC is not an entirely captured agency, that our financial system is not too rotten for self preservation, that our markets are not simply a playground for the wealthy; please adopt this rule.  

Joshua Hoyt