Subject: SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Morgan McKay

Apr. 08, 2021

Please pass SR-NSCC-2021-801 with immediate effect.  

As a veteran, the market manipulation I see daily by Citadel Securities LLC, and evidenced on, makes me ashamed that I do not have access to a reasonably fair equities market.  

My body is broken down, and my retirement funds are not where they should be at my age, despite my maxing out of IRA contributions since the day I joined the Navy at the age of 19.  

As of today, I have sold off 35% of my stock portfolio this week. I intend to sell off the rest as soon as possible. I will not return until I see evidence of a fair market.  

I am telling my story, showing the evidence, and imploring my friends and family, to sell off their US equities due to the atrocious volumes of fraud going completely unpunished by actors such as Susqehana, Citadel Securities, and their cohorts. As you may know, these are well documented by FINRA. This evidence is good enough for retail investors and my friends and family.  

I do not understand why it is not good enough for enforcement.  

These millions of individual violations in total, represent a fraud which I will no longer participate in.  I can not in good faith put my future in the hands of seemingly divine entities that are immune from prosecution. 


Morgan McKay 
Ticonderoga Innovations