Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Latasha Vann

Apr. 08, 2021

To all parties concerned, 

As a AMC shareholder I strongly advocate for the change to supplemental liquidity deposits as shown in file number NSCC-2021-801. Recently, I've witnessed first hand on many platforms, people speak on their lack of faith in our financial system; and more specifically to our stock exchanges.This is due to the growing mistrust of Members and blatant manipulation of shares and share prices; i.e. share prices being tanked for seemingly no reason. 

This change has been long overdue and I see no downside to gaining more foresight into Members positions. Not only will this solve major issues in terms of future management of liquidity risks, but it will be a step in the right direction in terms of the everyday retail investors faith in the transparency of our system. We like the Stock so my fellow Apes and I are HODLING with DIAMOND Hands to the Moon! Sincerely an Ape.