Subject: File No Sr-nscc 2021-801
From: Rosa Abila

Apr. 08, 2021

As an investor who has been affected by the stock market recently, I feel that this rule should be strongly implemented ASAP. The clear Market manipulation that has taken place the past few months has taken its toll on many stocks and Investments for a lot of people. Two  tickers  in particular would be AMC and GME. The past few weeks have shown clear manipulation of the stock.  I strongly urge for 801 to be implemented ASAP before hedge funds and shorter's alike are able to drive down the value and price of companies. I cannot believe the amount of manipulation to be able to single out companies and bankrupt them. Hurting investors, owners workers, communities etc. I cannot comprehend why agencies set up to protect this from happening have done very little to enforce the rules the law.   The fines received or given  to the companies/hedge funds are nothing compared to what they are making.  

Thank you for your time  

Rosa Abila