Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Dan Pinckard

Apr. 08, 2021

I would like on behalf of all retail investors looking for a fair market for you to pass this ruling as it seems some hedge funds are extremely overstretched and the longer they try to manipulate stocks and naked shorting the worse it Will be for the economy. This is worse than 2008 the mass shorting of stocks to bankrupt good companies just for financial gains over and over again with no accountability and minuscule fines in comparison. Looking at what you already know from your website you have known what they have been doing for years and just issuing small fines. I think if you really look into what they are doing now it will make your heads spin. Thanks for reading and I reiterate I would I very much like this ruling passed and implemented immediate so you can see what the hedge funds are really up to.

Daniel Pinckard