Subject: SR - NASDAQ - 2020-081
From: Leslyek Killian

Jan. 06, 2021

I request you not change rules to require boards include such non-financial matters as having ' one LGBT, etc'.  This notion is based on a fallacy in logic:  called 'post ac ergo propter hoc', or 'after this, therefore because of this'; citing  debunked 'studies' about such diversity on boards being "positively associated" with supposedly better financial results; confusing causation with correlation -- the above well known fallacy. 

You leave no room for modification of your errors; as already your boards are virtually 100% Democrat party ideology-comprised, proven by National Association of Scholars, including Econ Journal Watch 13, no 3. 

It is also a kind of reverse racism and discrimination to insist on race and ideology over knowledge of financial matters in your placements. 

Please more deeply discern, in all justice and truth. 

Ms. Leslye Killian 
Seattle, WA