Subject: SR-NASDAQ-2020-081
From: Paolo Gaudiano (ARC)

Dec. 17, 2020

To whom it may concern, 

For the past three decades I have dedicated myself to the study and application of complex systems research, ranging neural networks to entire societies. For the past five years I have focused my work on developing quantitative models of the impact of diversity & inclusion on companies and on other parts of society. I currently lead a software startup working to increase diversity & inclusion in corporations, a nonprofit conducting D&I research across a variety of societal issues, and an academic research initiative at the City College of New York. I am also co-organizer of the annual Diversity & Inclusion Research Conference, which recently took place for the third year in a row, with an audience of over 500 participants. 

While much of my original work was motivated from my sense of justice for women, people of color, LGBTQ individuals, people with disabilities and other marginalized groups, my research has shown clearly that a more diverse, inclusive and equitable workforce can lead to tangible benefits for companies, and to society as a whole. Given that human capital is the most valuable asset and most expensive budget line item for virtually any company (and certainly for any company large enough to be listed on a major stock exchange such as the NASDAQ), it is clear to me that failing to embrace diversity & inclusion has a negative impact on the performance of a company, to the detriment of shareholders. Hence I see it as a fiduciary responsibility of a company’s board and leadership to learn how embrace diversity & inclusion. However, it is virtually impossible for a homogenous board to understand why and how to implement corporate diversity & inclusion, unless the board itself is diverse. 

Thus I urge you strongly to adopt SR-NASDAQ-2020-081. Failure to do so, in my educated opinion, would be a failure to promote corporate behaviors that are good for society as a whole, but also for the financial success of any corporation. 

Thank you, 

Paolo Gaudiano, PhD 
President, Aleria Research Corporation 
Chief Scientist, Aleria PBC 
Executive Director, Quantitative Studies of Diversity & Inclusion at the City College of New York 
Adjunct Associate Professor, NYU Stern School of Business 
Contributor, Forbes