From: Michael Frank
Sent: December 6, 2006
Subject: File No. SR-NASDAQ-2006-040

Nancy M. Morris, Secretary
Securities and Exchange Commission
Station Place
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549-1090

I am writing to advise that our company opposes the NASDAQ proposal, published in the Federal Register, which seeks to increase annual listing fees with the purported offset of cost to be four news releases per year of up to 500 words each, provided by PrimeZone, as well as limited webcasting and EDGAR services.

We already have excellent providers for these services and we currently have no reason to change services. Therefore, an increase in listing fees would result in us paying twice for the same service. Further, we do not want to be bound to any one provider since fair competition is more likely to help us maintain or reduce our costs.

Thank you for consideration of my comments.


Michael Frank
Director of Investor Relations
EDGAR Online, Inc.
50 Washington Street, 9th Floor
Norwalk CT. 06854