Subject: Concerns Regarding FINRA's Request for Relaxation of Margin Requirements SR-FINRA-2023-010
From: Concerned Investor

Oct. 09, 2023

Dear Commissioners of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 

I am writing to express my deep concerns as a concerned investor regarding FINRA's recent request for the relaxation of margin requirements in response to the current inflationary period. While I understand that financial regulators must adapt to changing economic conditions, I firmly believe that granting such a request could jeopardize market stability and the protection of individual investors, as evidenced by past real-world examples. 

Increased Risk - Market Volatility during COVID-19 Pandemic (2020): 
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic saw unprecedented market volatility. To address this, some regulators temporarily adjusted margin requirements. Although this was not directly tied to inflation, it demonstrates the risks associated with relaxing margin requirements during crises. Investors took on excessive leverage, contributing to heightened market instability. 

Market Stability - Lessons from the Financial Crisis of 2008: 
The 2008 financial crisis serves as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining market stability through robust regulatory measures. The crisis resulted from excessive leverage and a lack of oversight. In response, regulators implemented stricter rules and margin requirements to prevent a similar catastrophe. 

Investor Protection - Safeguarding Against Ponzi Schemes and Unscrupulous Practices: 
Numerous cases of Ponzi schemes and investment frauds have left investors financially devastated. Regulatory bodies, including the SEC, aim to protect investors by implementing rules that mandate clear disclosures and suitability assessments. In instances involving risky non-traditional investments, regulators may tighten regulations to safeguard investors. 

Long-Term Economic Health - The Dodd-Frank Act (2010): 
Following the 2008 financial crisis, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was enacted in 2010. This comprehensive legislation aimed to promote long-term economic health by imposing stricter regulations on various aspects of the financial industry, including derivatives trading and consumer protection. 

I implore the SEC to consider the concerns of individual investors like myself, who rely on the stability and fairness of the financial markets. While regulatory flexibility is essential, it should not come at the expense of prudential oversight. The real-world examples cited above underscore the necessity of maintaining stringent regulatory safeguards. 

I appreciate the SEC's mission to protect investors and uphold market integrity. I trust that you will carefully weigh the consequences and make an informed decision that serves the best interests of all market participants, especially individual investors who entrust their savings to the financial markets. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I eagerly await the SEC's response and its commitment to ensuring the financial markets' stability and the protection of investors. 


Concerned Investor