Subject: SR-FINRA-2022-024: WebForm Comments from Gregory J Karis
From: Gregory J Karis
Affiliation: CEO Investment Advisor State Registered

Aug. 16, 2022

August 16, 2022

 I'm writing as a person who has a termination on my record that was recorded as the wrong type of termination. Rather than a willful withdrawal of my request to be a licensed advisor, I was terminated by a broker that did not understand the implications. At the time, I was not licensed, I was applying to take the test, my window had been opened and at the time FINRA allowed this to happen regardless of my restricted insurance license status. I will remind you, I had zero investment experience as a 25 year old. I was insurance licensed for half a year and I had no assistance from a compliance team due to being at a satellite office.

This is something I have to disclose and deal with can someone like myself have a fair and reasonable process that doesn't cost insane fees for an attorney to assist? The new proposed rules will cause me to likely never find a way to spend both time and money on fighting something that was the wrong checked box by a broker dealer that did not fully understand something. I'm now facing the consequences while the broker has no repercussions.