Subject: File No. SR-FINRA-2009-008
From: William J. Gladden
Affiliation: Securities Arbitration Attorney

April 16, 2009

SEC Commentary Recipient,

For 15 years I was a Registered Representative. Then for 5 years I have practiced law representing investors in arbitration against firms.

You probably wonder why individual brokers are hardly ever named in FINRA arbitrations. The first time I named the individual broker I found myself at a hearing against two competent adversary attorneys, one representing the firm, the other representing the individual broker. While one was arguing their case, the other plotted added arguements against my client. I realized that I was out numbered and vowed never to voluntarily invite an additional adversary by naming the individual broker.

Claims involving an individual broker should be known by those selecting a broker. Transparency is far more important then any arguements for opacity. It's either transparency or cover up - nothing exists inbetween.

William J. Gladden
Securities Arbitration Attorney
340 Eisenhower Drive
Building 300, Suite B
Savannah, Georgia 31406