Subject: File No. SR-DTC-2016-003
From: Dorian Deyet, CST,CIW
Affiliation: Information Systems, Issuer, AFSCME Trustee,

June 30, 2016

I agree with the SEC in regards to Issuers and the fair clearing process, Lets look at the limitations ive experienced and the advantages of said Dipository.

Cons: The clearing of Divedends, Dipository recipes or other monitary collection is null. I cannot figure out the process of doing anything with the data provided I search for the answers but are limited by a number of nuances. I honestly thought collateral meant collateral, Clearly that the assests provided in liue of the Banks disgorment has been inconsistent to what an award should be. My experience with user names and passwords are horrible at DTCC they accept only pro emails or have restrictions on the modules to get to start a process I cant agree more with the comment and please dont start the thats not my department conversation or the classic I cant help you statement im used to here. I dont like that Citi ownes Dtcc its a conflict of interest its Statestreet who in ownes citi I own statestreet municipal and all they offer is etf and other tradable assets with limited liquidity in regards to keeping me in enough time that i give while on the site is exausing, DTCC links to GMEI an identity look up tool that between 2008 2012 made on my confirmed LEI ids with my name and 3rd partys assuming 1000 us par value multiple by 57667 registered transactions asuming just one issue purchase on a bond call would of net 57 million the now reissue at par or at a discount would net another 57 million to total 114 million minus fees and other related fees is still 114 mill that are missing while im wasting ink and stamps delivering illiquid assets. Pros the website looks nice and the rss works great other than that. The communication among my particular experience with all banks has been dismal. It's pathetic that a bunch of multi billion dollar companys cant send a employee to verify the identity of a legal entity because of privacy please thats rediculus theres no better id than knocking at the door is way to 1980s lets work on a central clearing house actually clear and deliver money in a form of a pre paid card or a bank any where I feel like the creditor who needs to continue to get the cold shoulder. The SEC is 100 percent correct the language is duly noted. Please make it simpler ive waited patiently and Im late to file the securities with the commission please excuse my ignorance i need a step by step maybe a video on a simple transaction from start to finish. Thanks so much