Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2023-095
From: Parker Jamieson

It is concerning that most commentators in this space including expert lawyers cite the SEC's hostile disposition as reason for disapproval rather than any legal basis against an ETH spot ETF product. There is no difference between the BTC spot ETF approval and the ETH spot products at this point. Both have highly correlated futures markets and the SEC has all but confirmed both are commodities by approving the futures ETFs. Critics of Ethereum will give non-legal and non-expert analysis claiming that "ETH is a security" or claim, without evidence, that the decentralization of Ethereum's blockchain and governance is materially different from Bitcoin. In reality, both are perpetuated and maintained their communities across the world. Most importantly, as proven by the recent approval of the BTC spot ETF product, the American public wants access to these markets! The commission should consider carefully what has been echoed by Commissioner Pierce: the SEC should not force industry to waste time and tax-payer dollars to re-litigate this issue.