Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2021-019
From: Chris Kim

June 17, 2021

Dear SEC Regulators,

My mother and father have taken a keen interest in investing a small portion of their assets into this breakthrough technology.

They have seen my passion for the blockchain/bitcoin industry grow over the years.

They have asked me multiple times over the years how to invest in bitcoin. Last year I told them about GBTC (grayscale bitcoin trust) and they bought some in their vanguard account.

This Grayscale Bitcoin Trust takes a 2% yearly fee That is almost highway robbery when it comes to ETFs and funds.

It's time to open up the Bitcoin ETF and allow multiple ETFs to compete for the many people who want to invest in this new asset class.

Also, bitcoin/blockchain will unleash a flurry of innovation if the USA will take the reins.

I do not want to live in a future where the USA is behind on innovation and technology.

The USA has an opportunity to be a leader in blockchain and bring tons of new jobs / opportunities / investments to the USA.

It's time to approve the bitcoin etf today.

Thank you.