Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2021-019, MS word, The American Blockchain
From: Jacob Owen

Jun. 22, 2021

The question should not be do we need a Bitcoin ETF, we must understand that Blockchain technologies do have use cases and therefore do have value to people, most people just don't understand that value yet. Once we understand and accept that fiat currencies are going to be replaced by Blockchain currencies we realize we need a crypto currency to be the standard all other crypto currencies are compared to. Similar to the way gold has been the standard all other currencies are compared to, (the idea that the US dollar is actually the reserve currency of the world is based on the idea that US dollars can be exchanged for gold). Individuals have not been able to own gold, in large amounts since 1933, and once they were allowed to own gold again (1974) their dollars could not be traded in for gold. This was enacted by President Nixon in 1971. I am writing a paper titled The American Blockchain, it describes the pros and cons of Blockchain technology and how the US government will eventually adopt a digital dollar or Fed coin or CBDC, there are many names but the underlying concept is an American Blockchain that protects the individual's freedoms. It is meant to be a basic overview so more people can understand Blockchain tech and how it affects them, I am working on a second paper that goes more into the Blockchain code side of it. Attached are the first 10 or so pages, I believe the American people need to know the facts then they can make their own decision on how they store their wealth.  

(Attached File #1:srcboebzx2021019-8937076-245631.pdf) (Attached File #2:srcboebzx2021019-8937077-245631.pdf) (Attached File #3:srcboebzx2021019-8937074-245631.pdf) (Attached File #4:srcboebzx2021019-8937075-245631.pdf)