Subject: File No. SR-CboeBYX-2018-022
From: Barton Thom
Affiliation: none

October 18, 2018

I am for allowing the CBOE being allowed to trade in Bitcoin if the apparent discrimination against a smaller investor whom can only purchase one Bitcoin is removed.

Small investors should be given equal access to purchase a coin just as larger investors will be allowed and encouraged to do.

Small investors should be shown the same security and safe guards larger investors will be afforded.

I think the custody and security the CBOE is showing in their proposal to large investors is even more important to smaller investors. Certainly on the Stock market small investors are allowed to purchase several shares of a company they like such as McDonalds or Ford Motor Co. I would like to have the same opportunity--with safety and security with Bitcoin. I am losing my shirt with the interest my bank pays on my savings--it never keeps up with real inflation.

Respectfully, Barton