Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Clyde David Travis, Jr
Affiliation: Retired USAF and ATT

October 12, 2018


I support the approval of a Bitcoin ETF.

With a market cap in the hundreds of billions, the cryptocurrency world needs regulatory oversight that only the SEC can provide. Millions of investors globally NEED the order and legitimacy that the SEC's approval will provide to the market.

Blockchain technology has the future to dramatically serve the world. I believe that certain cryptocurrenies overriding the technology are uniquely positioned to provide an asset class of investment not seen before.

We've seen incredible "wild west" growth over the span of 10 years. Now, it is time to legitimize this market to bring in the investment community that truly will inspire the asset and technology it serves towards a great future.

Thank you for your service and consideration.

Clyde D. Travis Jr.