Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Nicholas Brklycica

October 10, 2018

An approval of an ETF would be healthy for the cryptocurrency sector. Currently it is all over the place but the narrative that its more at the risk of manipulation that any other investment is asinine. The recent Tesla shenanigans by elon musk are a prime example of it. Manipulation happens all the time in other sectors due to people who have lots of money its just part of the darn game. An ETF would allow additional ppl to join the crypto revolution behind a much safer option than what is currebtly available. Also in my opinion it should not be the SEC's responsibility to completely make an asset class 100% risk averse, especially one that reaches EVERY single part of the world like crypto does. The secs reach shouldn't stiffle the growth an ETF can bring and allow an important opportunity for all Americans to take part in an exciting new investment opportunity.