Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-051

July 22, 2018

SEC Look at the big picture. It's about the technology behind the ETF BZX. Approving this ETF will allow for mass adoption in U.S. where as in Asian countries the adoption has already started. Whoever adopt this technology along with the digital currency BZX will be the society that advance above others. The point I'm trying to make BZX is critical in the aspect of the U.S. becoming a player in this market when all the Asian countries are further advance in using this technology behind BZX. The number of China's blockchain and crypto patents has grown over 1,500. Not allowing this to go forward will allow China to continue to make strives to become the World Super Power -building islands in China Sea, expanding its reach in Africa etc.. This ETF will allow for mass adoption to just start in the U.S. to catch up with everyone else. Hopefully, maintain it dominance to innovate. Instead of duplicate China. Give us the power to keep U.S. first.