Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: tred Rissacher
Affiliation: Chiropractic Physician

July 18, 2018

I strongly support the proposal of ETF Bitcoin. Digital Currency is the wave of the future. It is NOT going away.

The wide spread use of the internet will ensure this.

Those who understand this and embrace this first will be the biggest winners in this space.

By allowing ETF on the CBOE it would bring in the institutional INVESTORS who would bring in huge value to the Bitcoin eco system. The Bitcoin eco system will adapt to the increased interest and will be strengthened and improved as a result of their need for something safe and something which still holds value. This would help the millions of people who lost much of their savings when Bitcoin went down in value at the beginning of 2018.

I believe the people who live in this world need some reassurance that our ability to store our hard work in something of value which can be used as currency with each other around the world. Bitcoin uses a de centralized ledger in order to be sure no one person can dominate and control supply and value as is done with fiat currency. You cannot just keep printing money when ever you need to pay bills like most governments do. Printing money via fiat will fail eventually as every government sponsored Fiat currency has done in the past.

The savings in peer to peer transactions for regular people would allow more money to stay in the pockets of those who actually work to earn the money instead of a third party clearing house like banks and credit card processors.

Please be the regulator who sees the value to regular people in the world besides those with lots and lots of money. Bring the Eco system of Bitcoin to the exchanges as an ETF and watch the miracle of the internet and blockchain technology mature into something great.