Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Xander Hugh
Affiliation: male

July 17, 2018

From my international perspective, the USA is falling behind with crypto regulation. Companies are already moving their businesses abroad, or are existing companies already abroad but unable to trade specifically in the US.

Bringing ETF's to crypto would go some way to bringing the USA back to a competitive level, and allow foreign investors to bring value to the fiat Dollar. If the USA does not act more quickly than it has done to date in the SEC, you're going to find it harder to maintain the dominance of the Dollar as value is simply being shifted from it, to crypto in countries outside of your jurisdiction.

Over regulation and failing to provide clarity are both at the heart of this falling behind, with Asia now becoming the leader in attitudes, implementation and regulation of crypto.

I would rather the US join the UK and Europe as leaders, rather than Asia.