Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Ashley A Jones

July 17, 2018

Time can be considered a metric used to measure progress, evolution, and almost anything in existence.

As time moves forward, we move with it. As we continue forward there has always been someone to guide us and lead the way, keeping risk to a minimum and reward to an optimum.

I believe the SEC is the authority to lead this global step into the future, the SEC has the ability to create a safe space for individuals and institutions to invest into Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency, while being able to provide answers for those who are still uncertain of Blockchain technology and Cryptocurrency.

Why would an approval benefit all?

As we grow new seeds are always planted to be certain of further growth, the traditional finance market is proof of that and it is still growing. Approving this request would be the start of a new seed being planted and as it grows, so would our economies. With money being invested into Bitcoin being just the start. We will venture further exploring new technology and innovation to benefit all sectors, thus requiring people to oversee these ventures, we would create new industries, new jobs, new stability and prosperity for our people. We would open doors globally, receiving new sources of revenue from all over the world.

I have recently visited California in the US and I can see they are working hard to stabilise the technological advances being made, I have great faith in the work to come.

Please review with an open heart, and an open mind, with a view to the future.

I look forward to congratulating the leaders who lead by example and take the first step.

Kind Regards
Ash Jones