Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Frans Klerks

July 13, 2018

The cryptocurrency market, Bitcoin an the blockchain is a market that won't go away, but is still in it's infancy.

It needs more Transparency and needs to be safer for investors. At this time it's hard for inverstors to find their way to the cryptocurrency market.

I believe that BTC ETF is a natural next step for this market, moreover CBOE is a trusted exchange.

Trusted exchanges, Transparency and more regulation is needed for the maturation of the market and the underlying blockchain technology.

In general the risk of fraud / hacks would be diminished through the insurances associated with ETFs. Fraud and the lack of security is in my opinion the greatest risk at this time. BTC ETF is a first step in taken away these risk.

Frans Klerks, crypto investor...