Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Billy Watson

July 14, 2018

Please allow the ETF to go through. It is long overdue to grant Americans the freedom to invest their money the way they like. It will not be used by small retail investors if that is what you are worried about because of the large price per share. You serve at the pleasure of the people and should not deny them the right to invest in Bitcoin. By denying past ETF's it looks like you have been putting the interests of the banking industry over those of the American people. Approving this ETF will help remove this stigma from the SEC. Your president has mandated that you remove regulatory hurdles from hindering economic growth and this is clearly hindering growth of the Cryptocurrency industry. It is important that America is a leader in finance and your lack of action has set us behind other countries and this will help you catch up and become a leader again in this industry. Do not be on the wrong side of history and lose the faith and confidence of the youth of our country by hindering a industry beloved by Millennials. If this is not approved it is time for us to start petitioning the White House to put new leadership in charge of the SEC. If you do approve it you will be heroes to millions of American crypto enthusiasts. America is watching you closely, please be brave and do the right thing.