Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Jensen Mathew, MHSA
Affiliation: Florida International University

July 12, 2018

To whom it may concern:

ETF approval for Bitcoin is critical for the future of innovation in the FinTech industry. It will provide the much needed fuel required to further drive adoption and acceptance of cryptocurrencies and further legitimize distributed ledger technology.

In my opinion we owe it to the future generations to grant this approval, which will solidify this new asset class. Such a move would enable further innovation and price stability in this field benefiting each and every American

America is the greatest country on Earth and I strongly believe if we are to maintain that status quo we have to beat the Russians, Chinese, Indians, Japanese, etc in this field. Think of this like the great space race.

America is full of winners, we have won in the past and will continue to win in the future.

Lets make the right choice to benefit mankind and Americans all around.
