Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Elsa R

July 13, 2018

In response to the request for comments for SR-CboeBZX-2018-040 as a new ETF over the counter product, I would like to propose the following comments:

As a long time investor in cryptocurrencies and related technologies, an ETF that is properly regulated and utilized safe physically stored assets is an important step in providing citizens a much more secure manner to invest. Most of the difficulties Ive witnessed in the past involves issues with individuals safely storing their bitcoins/crypto.
This ETF as a first (as well as other) are an important step in continuing to stabilize and protect investors of all sizes.
By continuing to deny the structure of a new market, by denying ETFs and larger institutional and individual on-ramps, your department is forcing investors to utilize a diverse set of sometimes less secure, less regulated, or services that are not as stable.
There is a clear need and desire by institutional investors to have the possibility to invest in this type of product, the market is mature enough and in spite of the lack of regulation it has grown and become a quite reasonable safe environment or at least as safe as traditional banking products (I dont think there is any need to bring up the names of the names we heard over and over during the most recent finantial crisis and the mess that they made) so I cant see any reason for you to not authorize this product.