Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-046
From: Burlap Pail
Affiliation: Doctorate in Scratching

July 11, 2018


I would like to register my dissent as to the approval of the proposed rule change. I do not see any reason to allow the internet to continue to exist and bitcoin is if anything worse. Please shut it down before it is too late.

Instead of making cryptocurrency more easily accessible to the common investor through such an exchange traded funded, why not make cryptocurrency ownership a capital offense?

I notice that there are fewer and fewer hangings these days. Probably many executioners are not even buildings their own gallows anymore just ordering kits on Amazon, the debauchery commerce website. I feel more frequent public executions will sober up these coddled milennials very quickly. Please ban headphones also. I recommend replacing them with thumbscrews or large cockroach.

In summary I feel the only proper usage of electricity is for cooking serial murderers alive in their own sweat and tears. Please don't allow youths to pervert God's will and Justice. I will pray for your soulp.