Subject: File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040]
From: Maxwell Gomersall

Oct. 11, 2018

To whom it may concern, 
I am writing about the Bitcoin ETF decision to express my opinion on your decision.  
I believe it is time you stop pushing the decision back and chose what to do, delaying the inevitable simply looks ridiculous. Many have sent you their opinions regrading this topic and are in support of an ETF and not to mention the institutions who are awaitning your decision. Postponing this is not going to change the outcome Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will have a large role in our future and this is one of the first steps as the innovators America is known as make the right choice and approve the decision as people will look back at this one day and wonder why it took so long to make such a clear decision.  
Furthermore, the decision is vital for the US economy as a stock market crash is due and once this happens many will lose their savings and jobs which without a safe and assuring alternative like Bitcoin many institutions will go bust or have no where to place their money making their growth stagnate. This will only be bad for the US economy as if they had the option to invest in Bitcoin they would be receiving positive returns which will lead to growth in their business and therefore growth in US economy despite the market crash which will happen in the next 4 months if not earlier.  
I strongly urge you to approve the decision before the opportunity is missed.  
Yoirs sincerely, 
Maxwell Gomersall