Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040 Approve BTC ETF
From: Christian Ambriz

Sep. 21, 2018


My name is Christian Ambriz. I am 29 years old and work as a Software Engineer in San Francisco, CA.  

I have been following BTC and cryptocurrencies for about 2 years now. I think we can all agree that BTC is the currency of the world. It is a currency that anyone with internet access can participate in. I believe that property alone makes BTC very useful and should be allowed to grow.  

I also don't believe it is easy to manipulate BTC because it is a global currency. It is in many many exchanges which makes it very difficult to manipulate.  

I also want BTC to grow in the USA. Other countries are helping cryptocurrencies not just BTC grow and many shops/theme parks/hotels are already accepting it. We should be helping BTC grow in the USA so we can stay competitive in this new technology.  

By approving the ETF you will protect more people because financial institutions will begin to invest people's money in a responsible manner where right now people have to make their own decisions to invest. You will also be keeping the USA in front of this new technology. 
