Subject: Bitcoin ETFs
From: Michael J. Daly

Sep. 21, 2018

Mr. Secretary, SEC:

Thank you for the invitation to communicate with you regarding the issue of the CBoE ETF.

For my own part, I would urge you to approve for the following reasons:
1) It is the SEC's responsibility to determine if the ETF proposed meets with the requirements of the existing regulations.  It is not the SEC's responsibility to render judgement of the market in which the ETF would exist

2) Caveat Emptor.  It is not the SEC's responsibility to protect investors from themselves.  To do so is to attempt to legislate prosperity which cannot be done (as has been seen in political/economic systems which have attempted to do so).

I ask that the SEC approve SR-CboeBZX-2018-040.

Thank you for you consideration in this matter.

Michael J. Daly