Subject: Bitcoin ETF
From: Yup Marius

July 19, 2018

About the Bitcoin ETF approval, all i can say is to imagine a future society, in all my future visions i can not imagine one in witch there isn't a decentralized, unhakable, community network that enforce it more and more on a perfect piece of code that was made by someone anonymous, helping maybe over a billion people to access money, banking the unbanked thru blockchain, and many more benefits i could write a novel about the possibilities that this technology is bringing to the world, this is the invention of the century, it's finding fire where there was non, it's inventing the wheel where there was non, it's inventing the internet where there was none, and so on you catch my drift, i don't even know how it's gotten here to ask for public opinion about this. You guys can see the potential in this, i know you see it, i don't even know who doesn't see it, i can't understand them and i also not interested in debating with them. You either see it or you don't, it comes down to that, but open your imagination and envision it , see the future and see the power you have in making it happen. Do you want to go down in history of the people who tried to make it harder, to stop it, to get in the way of the future, or do you want to be the helpful hand who can watch over it while it takes off, to regulate in a good way and be there all the way. Because it's going to happen either way in my opinion, but as one person with a vision all i can say is please be on the good side this time, be on the right side and don't get in the way of the inevitable and the future .

Thank you