Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Gene Gaddy

Jul. 23, 2018

To Whom it may concern,

I am in favor of the SEC creating a safe and tradable Bitcoin ETF.
Blockchain is a new frontier in that any party with an internet connection can verify ownership of the asset in a secure manner. With physical assets such as precious metals it is difficult due to security concerns to allow anyone to go and verify the metal is being held.
Bitcoin and blockchain by their design have an implicit and easy method by which anyone can verify an account holds what is claimed. To make this ETF safe I implore you to require the Trust to continuously publish the bitcoin addresses that hold the ETF Bitcoins. This provides a way for the investors themselves to continuously audit the holdings of the ETF and has no additional burden on the Trust itself.
Ansel Gaddy
Core Network Engineer - IBM