Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040 Comments
From: Cody Woods

Jul. 22, 2018


In our view it is imperative that the Bitcoin ETF is not approved. Bitcoin has no legitimate usage, and serves only illicit purposes. According to US Senator Elizabeth Warren, Bitcoin is the preferred method of terrorists and white supremacist groups across the world to launder money and avoid traditional regulated banking systems. Cryptocurrencies have been linked to Russian Intelligence agencies, and may be used to transfer funds and payments between state actors and foreign intelligence assets in the United States. In addition, child pornography is contained on and distributed via the blockchain. Bitcoin should not be sponsored by the United States. We already failed to stop America's enemies from influencing our elections in 2016. Approving this ETF is like handing them the key to break our economy.

Kind regards,

Jason Parser
Executive Vice President, CRAB-17 II Division
Bogdanoff Industries