Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Chad Minarcin

Jul. 21, 2018

I appreciate the SEC's decision to allow the community to submit comments on it's upcoming decision for an ETF approval for Bitcoin.

I feel Bitcoin and cryptoassets in general are as widely misunderstood as they are revolutionary. Bitcoin is not meant for illicit activities or "taking down the man" as many would believe. Rather, we as a community seek to empower individuals to manage their value and how they interact with money. The fractional reserve banking system we currently have in place has afforded us a prosperous economy and platformed America into the world's leading superpower. If Franklin D. Roosevelt had not put the system in place to slowly ween ourselves off the gold standard into a new monetary policy, where would we be today? Likely still spread out across America struggling with small farms and abject poverty commonplace. It's this kind of thinking and openess to change that makes America great. We must be open to new ideas to improving on the old and Bitcoin is the way forward.

Thank you for your time,


Chad Minarcin