Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Bens

Jul. 19, 2018

America has been at the forefront of previous technological revolutions such as the development of the internet and ecommerce - much to it's long term advantage.

We need to be at the forefront of this global trend. Already Asia and many other parts of the world are gaining ground in terms of crypto adoption and innovation. The brightest minds in the world have shown they are happy to move to more friendly shores if hampered in this industry by overly heavy restrictions, in favor of more free and entrepreneurialy friendly shores.

Lets encourage this industry here. Lets benefit as a country from the technology as many other countries will. Lets be a leader in this space and attract the brightest minds in the world to America. Lets continue to lead and be a beacon for capitalism and freedom in the world.

Allow Americans to invest. Americans deserve that right. The CBOE is a highly respected institution and I trust them to implement a high quality solution to allow Americans to invest in Bitcoin.

Please approve this ETF.

Best regards,