Subject: No. 34-83520; File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Vincent Ueber

Jul. 18, 2018

To whom it may concern,

Institutions and high net worth investors are waiting for secure ways to buy, sell and hold bitcoin. Considering the insurance this ETF would have, and the custodian solution it’s clear this ETF is a step in the right direction for above mentioned. It is also critical that this ETF maintains a physically back bitcoin, which will add liquidity and stability to the market over the long term. It is crucial that the US develops digital infrastructure as it relates with DLT, else they will be left behind by much more technologically advanced countries such as Japan and South Korea. USA must continue to lead and innovate world financial markets. For these reason, this ETF needs to be given the green light now. Thank you for your consideration.