Subject: Release No. 34-83520; File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Vincent DePalma

July 18, 2018

Sir or Madam,

I urge you to accept the ETF proposal. Bitcoin and related technologies are rapidly, and drastically, changing the dynamic of online payment systems and global transactions. The community is eager to integarate with current regulatory requirements, in order to provide the best possible solutions to inherit inefficiencies in legacy transaction systems.

By approving this initiative, the SEC will open up the possibility for traditional, risk averse, investors to back this technology. Approval will push ahead much of the regulatory uncertainty in this space, allowing the technology to advance, by fostering an environment for growth which has the potential to drastically impact the U.S. economy overall in a positive way. Additionally, this will secure a position for the SEC as a global leader in this space, and help provide a framework for other global regulators to follow.

Thank you for your consideration on this matter,
