Subject: Release No. 34-83520; File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Andrew Scopel

July 17, 2018

To whom it may concern:

I was first introduced to Bitcoin by a fellow co-worker a few years ago after it had been around for a little while. I have steadily kept up with the technology and have watched it grow as the developers and community have made positive strides to see that it works. I would like to see this technology continue to grow not only for myself but for my children. Approving the ETF is not going to miraculously enhance this technology overnight but in time it will bring more interest into the community and also better development of the technology. Please evaluate the tech as it stands today. If ultimately the SEC feels it is not ready for an ETF at this point in time, please keep an open mind on an approval in the coming months or years. Most importantly, give good feedback on what needs to happen to push Bitcoin into ETF worthy territory if it is not there already.

Thank you for your time,
