Subject: Release No. 34-83520; File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Andrew Melnychuk-0seen

Jul. 18, 2018


Thank you for taking the time to solicit feedback.

I am a long time bitcoin user. I view the technology as an inevitable evolution of the internet. It is just the natural course of things. I can say with confidence I am technically savvy.

What I recommend the SEC decision makers to do if they haven't done already is to store and hold some bitcoin. Getting intimately familiar how easy bitcoin is to lose and how the SEC and private institutions can help in this environment. Holding bitcoin is sooo stressful.

Bitcoin is not in a place where grandpa and grandma can use it and sleep safely at night. Having corporations available to help with this will allow retail investors to safely get into bitcoin with peace of mind.

Thank you for your time,
