Subject: Release No. 34-83520; File No. SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Eric Meyer

Jul. 18, 2018

Bitcoin -and other serious cryptocurrencies- are a world-changer for many countries where local economy has failed due to hyper inflation or lack of privacy (i.e. China where one can barely use a bank account). But it also is a viable alternative for fast, cheap and reliable payments in developed countries. It bypasses Visa and Mastercard insane fees for vendors, protects vendors from chargebacks and other abuses. There are many great usages for this technology, and a regulated market where investors can safely buy/sell/own such piece of technology would likely help expand and improve it.

PS: Guys at SEC, just buy a [redacted] of bitcoins before you make any kind of approval / positive regulation on cryptocurrencies, 100% guaranted investment. Not like you are corrupted already anyway.