Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Tim Hite

July 13, 2018

As a citizen I would like to share my comments concerning approval and support for this . I have been a tax payer and support the US and believe we need to make the US strong and compete not only in the work force but also to lead the financial and innovative tech space . With regulation and policies, Cryptocurrency has and will continue to play a leading role in the evolution of the financial space. It will not replace fiat currency but will defiantly have its place alongside stocks, CD, 401s and other financial instruments that were once thought of as scams or loose cannons that would disrupt the economic sectors of the world. There was a time only hold was the mainstream then came each Nations fiat then credit cards. I can remember my grandfather saying credit cards and loans were bad and cash was king but where would we be with the outlook?

Many tech companies would not be the global leaders they are today - remember Apple once was bankrupt but came out and that’s just one. We should embrace the future as it has helped to not only make our life easier but secure. Many law enforcement use tech to solve cases and keep us safe. What about how Wall Street trades and conducts transactions now instead of being on the floor with paper? I want to be able to send money instantly anywhere in the world for a lost cost and crypto is the answer. Instead of waiting days and weeks it takes now. There are many other uses as well to safeguard and make like easier for all citizens just like tech has done in over areas. Once again I believe regulation and policies will protect and as an American I would like to invest my money and my retirement money in crypto like I do stocks and bonds. It is a right and I hope you approve this application

Thank you
Tim Hite

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