Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Anthony Damiano

July 13, 2018

Good Morning –

I’m writing this in my support of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. I’m 32 and I believe I speak on behalf of my age group when I say that I believe in the value of cryptocurrencies. I believe in what it stands for and how it works. I am very skeptical of traditional investments and what we were taught with how we need to manage our money. I was in college during the U.S. Financial Crisis and saw what it did to people. I don’t trust banking systems with closed ledgers that can be manipulated by a select few to reflect what they want certain people to see. I believe in transparency in most situation especially ones that could devastate people’s livelihoods with what they choose to do with the money they hold. The ability for everyone to be their own bank should be appealing to the masses. Once people understand what cryptocurrencies can do and why it would benefit everyone in the long run more people will be on board. Currently “Bitcoin” and “cryptocurrency” are buzzwords that people use to generate hype while very few people actually understand what it’s capable of. With the government sanctioning the use of crypto or Bitcoin that would shed a different light on the whole market and make people read in to it further and get on board with why it’s a good idea. I would like nothing more than to invest the money I make in to a work sponsored retirement account where they also contribute a percentage. I don’t understand the stock market or “long term capital growth funds” but I do understand a non-inflationary open-ledger that is Bitcoin. I want to invest my money in to something I trust. Please take this in to consideration when meeting about making a BTC ETF.

Thank you,

Anthony Damiano
Dignity Health | St. Rose Dominican Hospitals
Clinical Engineering

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