Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Anonymous

July 12, 2018

I strongly support the proposed Bitcoin ETF.

This is a move of extreme importance in not only the stability and maturity of this burgeoning industry, one that truly has the potential to enhance the lives of many people worldwide, but also cements the rule of law and serves as a reminder that governmental approval and oversight is not an option to be considered, but a mandatory obligation when operating in this space in any capacity. This will let the bad actors who wish to take advantage of possibly one of the most important technological advancements of our lifetime, know that there are checks and balances in place and very real consequences to the avoidance or the idea of ignoring these facts.
The social, financial and international benefits that Bitcoin and it's underlying technology(blockchain) has clearly displayed even in it's infancy, should not be muted by the actions of a greedy few, the lack of regulatory intervention or bias from any group or individual. It must be developed, protected and enhanced for what it is and can and will do for mankind, bearing in mind that the absolute and complete protection of all consumers through regulation and transparency as previously stated is NOT optional and should never be considered as such.

I truly believe that with the proper handling of this technology and the re-direction of this industry we will see vast benefits for all. From the small individual user/ investor to the major corporation and ultimately the g.d.p.
Thank you for taking the time to read my comment and for considering this very important issue.
The CBOE's track record and willingness to co- operate and assist the sec speaks for itself.