Subject: SR-CboeBZX-2018-040
From: Andre Rademan

July 12, 2018

To whom it may concern,

  1. Cboe ETFs will be an excellent companion product to Cboe (and other) BTC Futures. Using these two base products, additional products can be created, for example purchasing BTC and using a future to reduce risk.
  2. These financial crypto innovations will help to grow the USA financial industry market share globally.
  3. ETFs will become a reality. This is an opportunity for the USA to take the lead.
  4. These crypto innovations will also assist the USA technology sector to remain at the forefront of technological innovations.
  5. As some clients request their advisors to purchase BTC as part of a balanced portfolio, an ETF increases the ease and reduces the risk of purchasing and holding BTC tremendously.
  6. It is much easier to track ETF transactions for taxation and money laundering which would reduce fraud.

Kind regards
Andre R